To Pack & Not to Pack
- Bible, notepad, pen, etc.
- Flashlight
- Box Fan
- Sunglasses
- Sleeping bag or bedding (twin size)
- Pillow
- Toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.)
- Clothes that can be worn for recreation
- Clothes that can get messy
- Bag for dirty clothes
- Shoes for rec/outdoor activities
- Backpack
- Water bottle
- Sunscreen
- A few bucks for snacks
- Modest bathing suit/trunks (suitable for watersports)
- Towels (beach & bath!)
- Camera
- Label everything!
- Alcohol
- Tobacco Products
- Tobacco Paraphernalia
- Illegal drugs (and drugs not prescribed to you)
- Electronics (iPods, CD players, expensive cell phone, etc.)
- Inappropriate clothing (short, tight-fitting, revealing)
- Anything promoting or advertising:
- alcohol
- tobacco
- illegal drugs
- racism
- sexism
- hatred of any group/person
- sexual actions/situations